The Transformative Cultural Circus
A mix of entertainment and art like no other.
A dynamic, refreshingly intimate show.

- Washington Square News (New York, USA, 2017)

Cuisine & Confessions

As individuals, we are ourselves composed of ingredients, a unique recipe of blood memories.

The Kitchen. 
Blood memories.
A recipe passed through generations.

A memory so deeply embedded in our conscious, it takes carefully concocted smells and tastes to bring it to the surface.

Storytelling through food: this is the sweet taste of my childhood, of a summer breeze through a screen door. Or the hot-chocolate-dampened lips of a first kiss.

Life happens in the kitchen. Late night confessionals over tisane and a pot of Nutella. Elaborately choreographed family meals. Lessons learned, secrets exchanged, bonds forged, reinforced by our most visceral of senses. Accompanying the usual eye-popping flight of acrobatic choreography and pulsating music are the other three senses — the touch of hands in batter, the smell of cookies baking, the taste of roasted oregano — leading us through a span of times and countries, all the while the iconic kitchen our common meeting point.

10 Things People Should Know

THE STORIES ARE TRUE - Cuisine & Confessions was built on the real-life personal stories of each cast member....

A record-breaking tour

18 cities, 13 states, 42 shows...

Interview with Shana Carroll

“What if we do a cooking show?” ...

Les 7 doigts de la main (2003) Inc.

Shana Carroll Sébastien Soldevila

Coproducers Châteauvallon-Scène Nationale (Ollioules, France), Espace Jean Legendre, Théâtre de Compiègne – Scène nationale de l’Oise en préfiguration (Compiègne, France), Grand Théâtre de Provence (Aix-en-Provence, France), Thomas Lightburn (Vancouver, Canada) & TOHU (Montreal, Quebec)

Original Cast Matias Plaul, Émile Pineault, Mishannock Bruno Ferrero, Anna Kichtchenko, Gabriella Parigi, Pablo Pramparo, Melvin Diggs, Sidney Iking Bateman

With the support of SODEC

Artistic Assistant  Mathias Plaul
Musical Direction Sébastien Soldevila

Sound Engineer Colin Gagné
Light Designer Éric Champoux
Scenography Ana Cappelluto
Props Cloé Alain-Gendreau
Costumes Anne-Séguin Poirier
Acrobatic Apparatus Design Yannick Labonté 
Acrobatic Design Jérôme LeBaut
Acrobatic Coaching Francisco Cruz
Scenography Assistant Clara Maria Gonzalez 
Kitchen Consultants Mat & Alex Winnicki – Satay Brothers
Production Manager Alice Renucci and Luc Paradis

Original Music and Arrangements Nans Bortuzzo, Raphaël Cruz, Colin Gagné, Spike Wilner, DJ Pocket
Singer Alexandre Désilets and Frannie Holder
Guitar Serge Nakauchi-Pelletier & Benoit Landry

Video Teaser Olivier Tétreault

With the support of
Tina Diab
Directrice de la diffusion, du développement et des événements spéciaux
+1 514 521-4477 poste 204