“A spectacle that will truly astonish all who experience it”
“The stunts in this performance force exclamations of admiration and disbelief from your mouth”
“skilfully choreographed”
Edinburgh Festival Magazine, Aug. 15th, 2023
“very slick, heart stopping, awe inspiring performance”
“stunning spectacle”
Edinburgh Festival For Kids, Aug. 21st, 2023
Picked as a ‘Highly highly recommended show’
Mervyn Stutter’s Pick of the Fringe
“capturing the audience’s attention from the outset”
The Stage, Aug. 21st, 2023
“The soundtrack is exhilarating, the performers are charismatic and the stunts had my hands rushing to cover my mouth every minute or so. ”
“Genius... I absolutely loved watching this.”
Broadway Baby, Aug12th, 2023
“The standing ovation of the crowd at the conclusion of the performance speaks
louder than words.”
Theatre Weekly, Aug, 23rd, 2023
“Duel Reality is a striking portrayal of hope. As performers shed their divisive colours, they unite, reminding us that we are all the same underneath. The finale is a poignant reminder that we are more than what divides us. ”
One4review, Aug 8th, 2023
“A wonderful show, beautifully choreographed, amazing circus skills, great pacing.”
Total Theatre, Aug. 13th, 2023
“Via romantic dancing between the couple and an aggressive, gymnastic duel, I felt this show finally put the sex and violence into R&J that was missing in the “traditional” theatrical production I saw at school.”
Phenix Remix, Aug. 19th, 2023
“Every time they take the stage – or soar above it – The 7 Fingers test the limits of possibility.”
The Boston Globe, February 2024
"The overall effect is to awaken you sense of wonder."
The Boston Globe, February 2024
Now touring in France
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
—Romeo and Juliet
We boil this epic love story down to the core of its conflict and drop the stage into a sporting arena.
The audience witness to two groups in opposition by default, by desire to rise above the other.
Through the provocation and conflict, we catch a glimpse of our star crossed lovers. They are fierce players but still do not seem to care who wins or loses if playing the game can bring them closer together.
Competition can be playful at times, it can also be dangerously serious.

Congratulations to Shana Carroll and the entire team for this prestigious award received in Edinburgh just 9 days after the world premiere of the show!
Production Les 7 doigts de la main
Originally produced and created with Virgin Voyages
Commissionning Partner : ArtsEmerson (Boston)
Direction Shana Carroll
With Daniela Corradi, Adam Fullick, Miliève Modin-Brisebois, Michelle Hernandez, Jérôme Hugo, Gerardo Guiterrez, Anton Eric Persson, Andrew Price, Ashleigh Roper, Santiago Rivera and Arata Urawa
Lighting Designer: Alexander Nichols
Costumes Designer: Camille Thibault-Bédard
Production Director: Maude St-Pierre
Technical Director: Simon Carrière
Technical Coordinator: Audrey Belzile
Assistant to the Artistic Director: Anna Kichtchenko
Acrobatic Coach: Francisco Cruz
Musical Director and Composer: Colin Gagné
Lyrics: Colin Gagné and Ricardo Isaias Collier
Musical Arrangements: Colin Gagné, Jean-Sébastien Leblanc, Ricardo Isaias Collier
Vocals: Sophie Beaudet, Katee Julien, Ricardo Isaias Collier, Alexandre Désilets, Mykalle Bielinski.
Instruments: Guido del Fabbro (Violin), Cédric Dind-Lavoie (Upright Bass), Jean-Sébastien Leblanc (Clarinet), Olivier Hébert (Trombone), Gabriel Godbout-Castonguay (Piano), Mathieu Roberge (Upright Bass), Jonathan Gagné (Drums), Alexandre Dodier (Saxophone), Raphaël D'Amours (Electric Guitar), Sheila Hannigan (Cello)
The soundtrack contains Lyrics from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
Tour Manager: Pauline Baud-Guillard
Technical Director and Sound Engineer : Delphine Quenneville
Light Operator: Florent Pattou
Rigger: Benoît Rouillard
Tour made possible thanks to the touring assistance program of the Quebec Council for the Arts and Letters.
Special thanks to Gypsy Snider, Héloïse Bourgeois
Thanks to : Bruno Archambault, Pascale Bassani, Erwann Bernard, Jonathan Bicari, Yohan Durand, Mathieu Ferdais, Marco Ingaramo, Ruben Ingwersen, Nicolas Jelmoni, Anna Kichtchenko, Chloé Lacroix, Sarah Lavergne, Jérémi Levesque, Charlotte O’Sullivan, Natasha Patterson, Anne-Séguin Poirier, Pablo Pramparo, Andrew Price, Alice Renucci, Naomie Slabber, Véronique St-Germain, Mark Eden Towle, William Underwood