RIOPELLE Grandeur Nature - Exhibition

Thanks to 360° video projections, the main studio of Les 7 Doigts will be transformed into a true immersive visual experience, while peripheral spaces will serve as a showcase for artistic installations and host an exhibition of original works by Riopelle.

The Inuit Space will highlight the culture and richness of Inuit art, which was a significant source of fascination for Riopelle, inspiring him to create several works. Interactive installations will allow playful participation through manipulable game-sculptures, clay shaping, or an infrared interactive system enabling the creation of digital artworks inspired by Riopelle's grand mosaics.

Multigenerational plastic arts workshops will be offered free of charge, by registration, during the spring break in collaboration with the Riopelle Studio.

A universal ode to creativity and the wild nature that will inspire both newcomers and passionate visual art enthusiasts.

A creation by Samuel Tétreault
Presented in our studios, 2111 Saint-Laurent Blvd
From February 16 to March 10, 2024


Producer : Les 7 doigts de la main
Co-producer : Fondation Jean Paul Riopelle 
Presented in collaboration with: LA TOHU
Presented as part of: Montréal en Lumière

Exhibition Design: Samuel Tétreault with the generous collaboration of Yseult Riopelle
Guest Curator for Inuit Space:  Saali Kuata 
Design and production of artistic and interactive installations / Design of the collective mural : Marion Mouturier 
Creative Director and Artistic Coordination: David Poulin
Main Hall Stage Device Designer: Olivier Landreville 
Music and Sound Effects Composed and Produced by Colin Gagné
Sound Engineer: Jérôme Guilleaume
Lighting Designer: Étienne Boucher
Multimedia Designer:  Mirari 
Artistic Director - Mirari: Thomas Payette
Artistic Assistant and Multimedia Advisor - Mirari: Matthieu Doyon
Project Management - Mirari:  Caroline Turcot 
Animation Design - Mirari:  Louis Roy 
360 Photo Design - Mirari: Dominic St-Amant
Video Technical Director - Mirari: Béatrice Germain
Multimedia Content Integration: Supply and Demand
Project Manager - Supply and Demand: Émile Grégoire
Interactive Content Designer - Supply and Demand: Raphaël Dupont
Video Integrator - Supply and Demand: Francis Corbeil
3D video animation of the work "Pangnirtung" :Vincent Ladouceur
Video Editing for Serica Space : Francisco Cruz
Design of Plastic Arts Workshops for School and Multigenerational Programs: Marion Mouturier and Studio Riopelle - Michèle Rhéaume 


Music and Sound Effects Composed and Produced in collaboration with Charlotte Qamaniq (Co-composition String Games) and Jérôme Guilleaume (Co-design sound effects Icebergs).
Drums : Jonathan Gagné
Vocals (String Games)Charlotte Qamaniq
Vocals (Iceberg, Serica): Mykalle Bielinski
Double Bass : Mathieu Roberge
Violin and Viola : Guido del Fabbro
Cello : Sheila Hannigan


Production Direction :  Emanuelle Kirouac 
Production Assistants : Zoé Kolic et Alexandre Blasquez
Technical Direction : Louis Héon 
Technical Project Manager : Elianne Désilet-Dubé
Project Manager for Artworks and Archives : Isabelle Domens
Studio Director : Olivier Rosa
Studio Technical Coordinator: Mathis Lebel
Reception : Angélye Aubergy

Sound Engineer : Jérôme Guilleaume
Lighting Operator : Mathis Lebel
Video Operator : Florian Fazio
Coordinator for School Reception Mediators : Michelle Rhéaume
Cultural Mediators : Marion Mouturier, Michelle Rhéaume
Cultural Mediation Partner : Desjardins 
Partner for School and Multigenerational Workshops : Studio Riopelle 

Thanks to :
​Thank you to Yseult Riopelle for her valuable and extraordinary collaboration over the three years of the project's realization.
Artwork loans  : Lune Rouge, Galerie Simon Blais, Yseult Riopelle , Huguette Vachon, Michel Tétreault, Avataq, MNBAQ, CDM Print
Consultant for the Dragon loan : Sylvie François de Lune Rouge 
Art Supply Sponsor : DeSerres 
Framing Sponsor : Encadrement Tout Autour 
And to Dr. John Langton Tyman for his permission to use the audio recordings from Cultures in Context (Transition String Games).